Expanding on the ideas in the Root Concepts sticker line…


Enrich Others Small Bumper Sticker


When I Help You, I Help Me

It can be a challenge to find authentic connection these days. Fast-paced, technology driven hustle bustle and constant chatter easily distracts, taking us away from what really matters.  Amid the static of a ‘me first’ culture there is a concept worth remembering: Enrich Others. By discovering how contributing to each others’ well-being leads to a more meaningful existence, we deepen into an even greater understanding- enriching others is the best way to enrich our own lives and experiences. Enriching others not only feels good, but a new level of purpose becomes apparent when we prioritize it. By noticing our behavior and choosing wisely we begin to see the positive impact we have on the lives of those around us.

Mindfulness MattersErich Others Quote by Andre Carnegie

It all begins with how we treat each other. By acting with mindful behavior and a giving heart, without obligation or expectation of reciprocation, we set the precedent for enriching others. A beautiful aspect of enriching others is the abundance of ways it can be done. Certainly, pulling out your checkbook can be helpful to those in need, but to truly enrich others you must go deeper than what money can buy… So what are these ways? To name just a few:

 …Give of yourself… Giving of yourself, your time, your energy, your resources, is a fulfilling and generous way to enhance the world around you. Leading by example in this way results in tangible efforts showing your community your investment in them.

…Mindfully consider of the feelings and needs in the relationships already in your life, as well as the encounters that show up… family, friends, co-workers, community members, even strangers. An encouraging word, a sentiment of gratitude, an apology, a forgiving heart, a helping hand, even a hug or something as simple as a smile can change the direction of any one moment. By choosing responses to what life presents you with love, wisdom and grace, you enrich others and yourself.

…Live in the moment with a willingness to be present to the feelings and needs of others… With presence we allow ourselves to be fully in the moment. Not stuck in the past or tripping over the future. It’s from this place of mindful presence that we allow the wonder of the moment to express itself fully, both in ourselves and others.  Allowing yourself to be present to someone is a beautiful gift that opens a space for more authentic connections and provides a safe place for genuine expression.  Our presence in the lives of others is a life affirming power that we all possess if we choose it.

…Choose to enrich others… Disconnecting behaviors like judgement, blame, shame, inconsideration, violence; these behaviors not only alienate and confuse, but contribute to the individual and collective suffering. We enrich others and ourselves by being mindful to not participate in these diminishing behaviors.

Deepen Your Understanding

Whether you engage in actions as small as a smile or a kind word, all the way to dedicating your life to a worthy cause or mission of service, being mindful of others results in an enriched life that money can’t buy. Uplifting others with your positive vibrations is PRICELESS.
Enriching others is connecting behavior that feels good for everyone because it fosters empathy and generates goodwill. Being unselfish and inclusive builds stronger community and brings a sense of harmony and  joy, contribution and support. It emphasizes the importance of being a part of something bigger than oneself, allowing the benefits to ripple.
We are all connected, so it is clear that by enriching others we enrich ourselves and in doing so we help to create a world with higher levels of consciousness, authenticity, peace, and well-being for all.


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