Forgiveness Heals

Forgiveness Heals

What He Said “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” – Jesus Christ He hung there racked in pain, after having endured severe torture and humiliation, an innocent man in the midst of being crucified by one of the most brutally dehumanizing...
Love > Fear

Love > Fear

It has long been my belief that the greatest act of strength of any human being is to absorb negative energy and then return it with positive energy… When we look at the spectacle of chaos and unraveling happening in the Middle East and all corners of the world...
Challenge is Part of The Journey

Challenge is Part of The Journey

Challenges are a universal part of human experience. Regardless of who you are, where you are from, or when you were born, we all face challenges on our journey through life. In fact, most of us face multiple challenges simultaneously everyday, whether physical,...
Ahimsa In A Violent World

Ahimsa In A Violent World

  Countering Violence The human race has always been violent, when we turn on the news it seems like every corner of the world is saturated with people mistreating others with disconnecting behavior. Whether the constant, unending turmoil that continues to...

Sticker Spotlight: BAN GMOs

The Verdict? Ban GMOs! In a world where the safety of our food supply is increasingly being called into question, we believe that GMO’s leave too many unanswered questions. Nature, all by itself, knows what’s best. We believe genetically modified foods...
Sticker Feature: Enrich Others

Sticker Feature: Enrich Others

Expanding on the ideas in the Root Concepts sticker line…     When I Help You, I Help Me It can be a challenge to find authentic connection these days. Fast-paced, technology driven hustle bustle and constant chatter easily distracts, taking us away...